Sep 18, 2021
On this, the 10th Anniversary of Occupy Wallstreet we republish our podcast of the 5th Anniversary of the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement, this archival episode of Democracycast was recorded live on September 17, 2016. Dean Edwards introduces Sanna Camera and Aisha Dabo from Dakar, Senegal. Jo Ellen Kaiser moderates as John Harvey, Jan Weinberg and Sally Gellett report from Zuccotti Park in New York City where the OWS movement gathered. They interview Sumumba Sobukwe from Occu-Evolve, Ken Gale from EcoLogic, Dana Stein, Jackie Splain from InterOccupy and others. Issues discussed include political, social, economic and environmental issues for the U.S. and the world. Mark Taylor-Canfield comments from Seattle. Michael Buell reports from San Diego with Global Occupy News Now and Occupy Toronto. For more information about OWS and it’s history, there are many books on Amazon, videos at and more information for listeners toward the end of the episode. Released: 2021-09-18 Duration: 02:08:37
Links from the 10th Anniversary Zoom production:
Study by the New York Times
Stories from a Fierce, Loving Resistance
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Hosts: Dean Edwards, Democracy Watch News, coordinating editor, International service, North America service, Salem, OR, USA.
Steve Barnes - Democracy Watch Media Assistant Producer - Audio & Podcasts.
Jo Ellen Kaiser.
John Harvey Coordinating Editor. North America Service
Jan Weinberg.
Sally Gellert Democracy Watch Media Assistant Producer for Telecommunications.
Mark Taylor-Canfield’s many news outlets: Contributing Editor
Mark’s music:
Mark on YouTube
Mark’s weekly report @ Jeff Santos Show Every Tuesday 12:30 PM Pacific Time. Jeff Santos Show.
Democracy cast theme, electronic music - by Mark Taylor Canfield.
Sumumba Sobukwe from Occur-Evolve.
Ken Gale from EcoLogic.
Dana Stein.
Jackie Splain from Inter Occupy.
Michael Buell.