Jun 17, 2016
Co-hosted by Meagan Beckermann of West Lake Moms in St. Louis ( Delidiva311@aol.com )and Ken Gale of New York City Safe Energy Camp (nuffsaid@riseup.net), several activists gave information about the radioactive landfill in St. Louis, and the reactors at San Onofre, California and Indian Point, N.Y.. The West Lake Landfill in St. Louis has illegally stored radioactive waste from the bomb production for the weapons used on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This landfill is now threatened by fire. The Indian Point reactor is leaking into the Hudson River; is vulnerable to earthquake damage; and, a 42” gas pipeline is being constructed very nearby and there is a risk of fire damaging the safety infrastructure. Thyroid cancer rates around Indian Point, based on CDC and NYS cancer registries, is 100x higher than the rest of the country.