Oct 12, 2020
Democracy Watch News Executive Director Mark Taylor-Canfield reports from Seattle on the
Capitol Hill Organized Protest (CHOP) and Mayor Jenny Durkan’s Executive Order directing police to raid the site and arrest protesters who refuse to leave the area. She then imposed a 10 day moratorium on protests in Cal Anderson Park and the surrounding area near the Seattle Police Department’s East Precinct Station which police had previously abandoned in the face of 24/7 protests for many weeks.
MTC reports on the history of protests in Seattle, including the famous Pink Umbrella Riot, Demonstrations vs the World Trade Organization, Occupy Wall Street movement, etc. He also reports on past efforts to reform the SPD and current attempts at demilitarization and defunding.
Mark’s article at The Seattle Star: https://www.seattlestar.net/2020/07/seattle-mayor-jenny-durkans-crackdown-on-chop-is-politically-motivated/
MTC Reports on Protests in Seattle Vs Racism And Police Brutality
#Seattle #BlackLivesMatter #BLM #CivilRights #HumanRights #Racism #Police #Protest #Non-LethalWeapons #Accountability #Jenny Durkan #CarmenBest #DOJ #TearGas #CSGas
#BlastBalls #PepperSpray #PepperBalls #OCSpray #WTO #OccupySeattle #OWS #PinkUmbrellaRiot #CalAndersonPark #CHOP #SeattleAutonomousZone #OmariSalisbury #Livestream #GeorgeFloyd #BreonnaTaylor