Jul 12, 2021
Democracy cast podcast features Grace Rachmany to talk about local economies, economic sharing systems, the function of money, ecovillages, and cryptocurrencies. Hosted by Dean, we also hear questions from Mark, Sally, Terrance, John in a very interactive international press conference interview. Recorded 04-01-21. Duration: 54:13
Check out www.voiceofhumanity.one to hear more from Grace and learn about the Sufficient Currency project.
Dean recommends searching for To The Best of Our Knowledge’s episode entitled The Other Money for more insightful, related content.
See our blog: https://democracycast.libsyn.com/ .
Send listener feedback to democracycast@democracywatchnews.org
Our production team and Theme music: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rnPeRDB3JTrr80N_NlLmUM7nEzrRejw8-5qFYd45W5M/edit?usp=sharing